Most of us don’t like to contemplate the need to prepare for our passing, but covering these expenses is an important part of estate planning and easing the financial worries of your loved ones. Perhaps you want to leave a donation to a cause close to your heart. That is why LRFA created a plan for these final expenses, with tax free benefits. Choosing your coverage requires a careful consideration of all your final needs.
LRFA Members can enroll in one or more of our plan options, from $1,000 to our highest combinations totaling $27,000.00 in benefits. These plans are available to all LRFA members between the ages of 18 and 78, as well as to their children from age 1 to 18. Pievienojies ALPF jau šodien!
Eligibility & Enrollment
Ikvienam ALPF biedram, kurš vēlas tikt uzņemts vienā vai vairākos ALPF Galīgo Izdevumu plānos, ir jābūt vecumā no 1 līdz 78 gadiem un ar labu veselību. Lejupielādēt veidlapu: Galīgo izdevumu plāna pieteikums .
Ikvienam, kurš šobrīd nav ALPF biedrs, vispirms jāpiesakās dalībai: PIETEIKTIES TAGAD
- Pieejamās priekšrocības līdz $27 000.00
- Nejaušas nāves pabalsti līdz $54 000.00
- MAZI ikmēneša maksājumi
- Medicīniskā pārbaude NAV nepieciešama
- Invaliditāte nav automātiska diskvalifikācija
- Piemaksas grupa NEMAINA, pieaugot vecumam
Pabalstu maksājumi
Payments are issued after death to the beneficiaries designated by the member. Beneficiaries can be individuals and/or organizations. The benefit amount is dependent upon specific plan participation and the number of years of participation. In cases of accidental death, benefit payment is doubled. A minimum of one consecutive year of participation is required for any benefits to be issued. Members who receive US government benefits can enroll in this plan as it is not a “burial fund” but a benefit paid to the member’s designated beneficiary for any purpose. It is not a “term” or “whole life” policy and does not accrue value.
Neatbilstība pabalstam
Pabalsti netiks izmaksāti ar šādiem nosacījumiem:
- Ja pabalsti tiek pieprasīti vairāk nekā vienu (1) gadu pēc dalībnieka nāves
- Pašnāvības gadījumos
- Ja ikmēneša maksājumi ir kavēti
- Ja dalībnieks ir atcēlis dalību plānā vai dalība ir pārtraukta maksājuma prasību neievērošanas dēļ
- Ja biedrs nav samaksājis LRFA ikgadējo biedra naudu un līdz ar to zaudējis tiesības uz pabalstiem
Galīgo izdevumu plānu veidi
Pabalstu plāni | Pēc diviem (2) gadiem | Pēc trim (3) gadiem | Pēc pieciem (5) gadiem | |||
Dabisks cēlonis | Nejauša nāve | Dabisks cēlonis | Nejauša nāve | Dabisks cēlonis | Nejauša nāve | |
E | $500.- | $1,000.- | $700.- | $1,400.- | $1,000.- | $2,000.- |
F | $600.- | $1,200.- | $800.- | $1,600.- | $1,500.- | $3,000.- |
G | $1,000.- | $2,000.- | $1,500.- | $3,000.- | $2,500.- | $5,000.- |
H | $1,500.- | $3,000.- | $2,000.- | $4,000.- | $5,000.- | $10,000.- |
I | $2,000.- | $4,000.- | $2,500.- | $5,000.- | $7,000.- | $14,000.- |
J | $2,500.- | $5,000.- | $3,000.- | $6,000.- | $10,000.- | $20,000.- |
Monthly Fees for 2025
Premium fee group is assigned at the time of enrollment and is dependent on the member’s age at enrollment time. This group assignment is for the lifetime of the member, as long as fees are paid in a timely manner and LRFA membership is active. A delay or pause in monthly payments may result in a new premium fee group assignment.